The other day I got myself a container of 500 brand new pins and retired the old ones. The old ones were bending under the tasks I demanded of them, no longer sharp enough to go through many layers of fabric and fiber. But I didn't want to discard them I found an empty baby wipes box from when Lucia, 19, was in diapers, and made it a home for retired pins.
Retired pins. What a concept.
But I can use these no-longer-sharp pins for low-stress jobs, like holding fabric to foamcore board during sunprinting. Which is why there's green paint on the lid of the retired pins box.
In today's other nutty activities, I painted the scales of pine cones of a Norway spruce in our yard. I'd already preserved these scales in a mix of hot glycerine and water. As they dried, they lost some of their green coloration, so I sought to preserve that today by painting their ends with Pebeo Setacolor paint in light green.
All the better to add them to a fabric rendition of this photo:
I'm calling it Deconstruction.
And you know what else? I made another sleeve for a noodle today.