Sunday, April 10, 2011

I used to be working on bearing the fruits of peace and justice, but now they're borne

Done, done, done, and on deadline!  Here it is, my banner, Bearing the Fruits of Peace and Justice, created for the United Methodist Church of Hartford.

About that deadline:  when I first got this assignment, the deadline for this, the third banner, was Easter or Memorial Day or whenever I could get it done.  Such luxury!

But in came a new pastor, and out went the request:  Was there any way I could have it done by April 10?

There was.  But producing this piece on that compressed schedule was somewhat intense.  In return, I hope for a measure of karmic cosmic brownie points.


  1. Wow! Very nicely done! How large is the piece? Its really more fabric sculpture than it is a quilt! Or is the new pastor gonna curl up with it and a cup of Joe?

  2. Thanks! The quilt is 7 feet long horizontally and 2 feet vertically. It was made to go across the balcony/choir loft in the back of the church.
